Cooperate with us

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The Department of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering focuses on close collaboration with industry. We are very pleased that many of these companies work with us repeatedly on various research and development projects. On the other hand, we are open for new collaboration with companies and startups which are interested in our work and research. We are happy to cooperate on product innovations in the field of electric motors, instruments, machines, and power and control electronics.

Our department is part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communications. Nevertheless, we often cooperate with experts from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and we are able to provide you a complex research and development which is beyond the focus of our department. The department of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering is also a part of Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy (CVVOZE) and Centre for New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering (NETME).

The most common forms of collaboration with industry

Long-term research and development – 2-4 years. Projects with financial support of grant agencies for the company and the research institution. For example, TAČR grant programmes.

Short-term research and development – few months or years. Contract research between the company and our department.

Single or repeated measurements using our facility, eventually also data processing and analysis.

Simulation and modelling using specialized software. For instance, Matlab+Simulink, ANSYS,…..

We are experts in:

Traction motors and electromobility

  • Development of motors for traction applications
  • Design and optimization of traction electric motors (especially synchronous with permanent magnet and asynchronous motors)
  • Development of DC/AC converters for traction electric motors
  • Design of control circuits for converters (hardware and software)
  • Battery management for Li-lon accumulators

Fast chargers of traction accumulators

  • Development of high performance switching mode power supplies (e.g., 48 kW/480 V/100 A, switching frequency 100 kHz.
  • We specialize on applications with high power to mass ratio (1kW/kg)
  • Usage of ultrafast SiC transistors and diodes
  • Design and development of compact chargers which are not available on the market

Electric machines

  • Electromagnetic calculations and design of various types of electric machines
  • Optimization focused on increasing the efficiency and power to mass ratio.
  • High speed machines development
  • Simulations using FEM (electromagnetic and thermal simulations)
  • Interdisciplinary research and development of electric

Electric instruments

  • Development of low-voltage switching and protection instruments
  • Study of plasma physics
  • Lifetime tests of switching instruments using high-current facility
  • Analysis and innovation of contact systems of switching instruments

Power electronics

  • Development of switching power sources of various types and sizes (from 10 W to 100 kW)
  • Development of gate drivers for power transistors IGBT and MOSFET
  • Usage of soft-switching techniques
  • Development of inverters for industrial drives
  • Design and development of traction converters with active rectifier 1MW for rail transportation

Would you like to cooperate with us?

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