Laboratory of high-speed machines

In this laboratory, developments in the field of high-speed machines and related issues are carried out.

Here you will find cutting-edge measuring and diagnostic technology, but most interesting are our unique induction brakes for loading motors at speeds of up to several tens of thousands of revolutions per minute.

Main activities

  • Measuring the insulation resistance of machine windings
  • Loading of high-speed machines
  • Recovery of automation systems related to electrical machines
  • Electromagnetic interference measurements of power equipment  

Laboratory equipment

  • Vířivé brzdy pro vysokootáčkové aplikace
  • Přesný třífázový wattmetr Yokogawa
  • Měřič izolačního odporu
  • Analyzátor EMC a související umělá síť


Responsible person
doc. Ing. Ondřej Vítek, Ph.D.