Laboratory of Special Electrical Machines

The laboratory for testing electrical machines or drives will delight you with a range of modern dynamometers and power supplies that allow you to measure a plethora of electrical machines.

Main activities

The laboratory has several measuring stations with dynamometers, which can be used to perform various tests of newly designed motors or complete drives, consisting of a motor, an inverter and the corresponding power source.

The power source for the drive can be either mains or any battery system.

The tests carried out are absolutely essential for the successful development of new types of electrical machines and are one of the fundamental activities of any developer in this field.


Laboratory equipment

The laboratory is equipped with several dynamometers with appropriate supporting measuring instruments, among which are mainly precise three-phase wattmeters.

Individual dynamometers are power graded to measure a wide range of torques and speeds to suit the needs of research projects and individual customers. 

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